Phew! Our inventory’s recovered

During lockdown, it seems the team of five million decided to go furniture shopping at the first opportunity.

When New Zealand moved to Level 2, our warehouse was full of inventory – and we had even more stock stored in containers at our yard. Then the post-lockdown shopathon happened and sales shot up, especially during Queen’s Birthday weekend. We literally couldn’t keep up with demand.
Since then, we’ve been running to catch up. Even with new containers arriving every week, we haven’t had enough stock to meet orders. This is not how we like to run things, as you know.  We pride ourselves on having adequate stock levels at all times, so that your customers aren’t kept waiting. Please accept our apologies if you’ve been affected by stock delivery delays.
This week we’re seeing daylight. Most of our back orders have been fulfilled and our stock level is in much better shape. Pretty soon it will be situation normal again, with an inventory that will ensure quick delivery every time.
Thanks for your patience.


Bring on 2021!


Boost kids’ furniture sales for Starship